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Gay Times is the original, best and longest-running magazine for a global community of gay and bisexual men. LGBTQ life, entertainment, politics and the goods - all for the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer community.īloggers: Daniel Villarreal, Matthew, Michelle Hair, Editors, Dan Clarendon, Jamie Valentino, Jake Myers, Charlie Grey, Graham Gremore, Matthew Wexler, Dan Tracer, David Hudsonġ41.9K ⋅ 140.4K ⋅ 93.4K ⋅ 4 posts / day View Latest Posts ⋅ Get Email Contact 3. Queerty is the #1 gay news and entertainment site in the world. It covers politics, pop and gay culture, music, viral videos, travel, tech, equality issues.Ĥ0.8K ⋅ 76.2K ⋅ 4 posts / day View Latest Posts ⋅ Get Email Contact 2. News and information for gay men and everyone else. We feature politics, news, entertainment, tech, art, law, movies, music coverage as well as men who are hot inside and out. Towleroad is the leading gay/LGBT news/content site.

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